
easy tunneling with sshuttle

sshuttle is a genius program that allows you to tunnel all of your traffic through SSH. as a result, it can act as a VPN for any machine you can SSH to. you don't even need to be an admin of the distant server to achieve this. how amazing is that?

here's what we want to achieve through SSH tunneling:

here's what we want to avoid by using sshuttle:

we'll still have to make a reasonably configured server for our proxy, but this will take way less time than setting up a VPN with any other tool. let's get started, with a digitalocean VPS.

setting up a digitalocean VPS with sane defaults

first of all, create your droplet on digitalocean. even if this would work for many linux flavor, this tutorial will use ubuntu. pick the latest LTS version and choose to create a $5 droplet, which will be more than enough for a proxy.

choose to paste your SSH public key to login in the settings. a one time password is hardly secure nor a good idea.

once your droplet is up and online, connect with SSH:

ssh root@my-droplet-ip

first thing you should do is updating this freshly created server:

apt-get update

then, we should work on disabling root access. let's create a new user on this server:

adduser your-user

give it a strong password during the creation process. next, add this user to the sudo group:

usermod -aG sudo your-user

and while we're at it, enable ufw (uncomplicated firewall). we're gonna use it later on:

ufw enable

we wanna connect through SSH with the user we just created. just as the same way we provided our public key during the droplet creation, we now have to repeat this process for the new user. first, switch from root to the user:

su - your-user

and then, create a .ssh folder with the appropriate permissions:

mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh

on your client (not the server!), run the following command to get the output of your public key:

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

then paste it in the following file on the server:

vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

save the file and exit, and change again the permissions to restrict access to the file:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

now return to the root user:


the last step with SSH is to edit sshd_config in order to restrict the access via the created user and the corresponding public key:

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

look up and change appropriately the following lines in this file. make sure they are not commented as well (not beginning with #):

PasswordAuthentication no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PermitRootLogin no

we're almost done, but keep in mind that we have to allow incoming SSH connections with ufw:

ufw limit ssh/tcp

The limit setting here will ban any IP attempting and failing to connect repeatedly. combined with our changes on sshd_config, this is more than enough to protect this opened port.

last step for good measure is upgrading the system and rebooting the server:

apt-get dist-upgrade && shutdown -r now

after reboot, make sure that you cannot SSH to the server with root, and connect with the created user instead:

ssh your-user@my-droplet-ip

we're 100% done with our server, unless you're interested in the misc part at the end of this article. let's move on to the client side.

setting up sshuttle

sshuttle is already available on most package managers. on archlinux, you can easily get it with yay:

yay sshuttle

keep in mind that sshuttle doesn't tunnel UDP traffic (except DNS) by default. a bit of extra work is needed on that part with tproxy, as described in the documentation: https://sshuttle.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tproxy.html

basically it boils down to the following steps:

ip route add local default dev lo table 100
ip rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
ip -6 route add local default dev lo table 100
ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
sudo SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" sshuttle --method=tproxy \
                                             --disable-ipv6 \
                                             --dns \
                                             --exclude your-server-ip \
                                             -r your-user@your-server-ip 0/0

that one is quite a mouthful so let's break it down:

since IPv6 can leak even with the --disable-ipv6 command, let's disable it while using sshuttle. this can be achieved temporarily by running the following commands as root:

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1

this is all nice and well but i don't see myself running all of this at each boot, so let's wrap everything we mentioned in a script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root. Exiting."

ip route add local default dev lo table 100
ip rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100
ip -6 route add local default dev lo table 100
ip -6 rule add fwmark 1 lookup 100

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1

sshuttle --method=tproxy \
    --disable-ipv6 \
    --dns \
    -e "sudo -u your-user ssh" \
    --daemon \
    --pidfile=/home/your-user/sshuttle.pid \
    --exclude your-server-ip \
    -r your-user@your-server-ip 0/0

three options have been added here:

the -e flag will allow you to run the command as your main user and prompt for your SSH passphrase. this will use the right SSH pubkey to connect, even if ssh-agent isn't loaded yet and sshuttle is ran as root.

stopping the VPN is easy: just kill the PID given in sshuttle.pid. this can be automated with the following alias, ran as root:

alias vpndown="kill '$(cat /home/your-user/sshuttle.pid)'"

you should now be all set, just by adding the previous script in your $path.

misc: accessing the VPN when the SSH port is blocked

if you want to connect on wifi hotspots, you might want to change the SSH port to 443 on your server as it is nearly guaranteed to be always opened, no matter how strict the wifi's firewall is.

we have to change SSH's default port on our server:

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

find and change the following line accordingly. uncomment it if necessary:

Port 443

one thing left now is to change ufw rules on your server to open that port:

sudo ufw limit in 443/tcp

don't forget to remove port 22 on ufw:

sudo ufw status numbered

delete related rules with their IDs:

sudo ufw delete <rule-id-here>

now restart the sshd service:

sudo service sshd restart

now, the only thing left is to specify the 443 port in the sshuttle script:

-r your-user@your-server-ip:443 0/0

the VPN should now be accessible from almost everywhere.